GreenHeart Foundation

SAARC Business Association of Home-Based Workers

SABAH Bhutan is an association of home-based workers, who as a team work towards channeling and distributing their products in the market. Around 200 members (mostly women) have come together to preserve the rich traditional weaving knowledge of Bhutan that has been passed on through many generations.

Their knowledge and skills to produce authentic craft are further enhanced and groomed through SABAH providing skill development training, building proper production facilities, providing expert advice on product development, and helping them market and sell their products.

Vision: “Strengthening Livelihood Initiatives of Home-Based Workers in the SAARC Region”

All of SABAH's fabrics are 100% hand-woven.

SABAH preserves cultural heritage with products made using traditional methods on a hand-loom.

SABAH supports and empowers women in rural communities through a sustainable textile weaving enterprise.

SABAH provides training and other capacity development programs, market linkage, and networking for the enterprise and the local weavers.

SABAH Bhutan Handicrafts

SABAH Bhutan Handicrafts
Thimphu, Bhutan
Contact Number: +975 2 336 745