GreenHeart Foundation

GreenHeart Projects and Events

The GreenHeart Foundation is now based in Hawai’i, USA. Our future plans are to expand our previous operations in Laos, reaching around the world and utilizing the power of art to transform lives.

We will continue our work with weavers and international NGOs to achieve our mission of empowering women and girls through traditional weaving textiles, not just in Laos but across Asia. Stay updated on our website and social media accounts to follow our new journey.

LEAPSS Weaver Survey

GreenHeart Foundation provided pro-bono technical services to 6 Laotian weaving villages through participatory research, skills training, market linkages, and networking.

Through our efforts, we helped weavers improve their textile marketability and reinstate Laos silk production.

TaiBaan Crafts and GreenHeart Foundation MOA Signing

GreenHeart Foundation and TaiBaan Crafts officially came together in April 2023 to start working to support the Laos weavers that are part of TaiBaan’s community.

We are excited for this first step together and can’t wait to see what we can accomplish!

SABAH Bhutan and GreenHeart Foundation MOA Signing

GreenHeart Foundation joined together with SABAH Bhutan in May 2023 to begin offering enterprise training and increase their market linkages.

We are excited to help their large community of home-based weavers across Bhutan!